Rafting Vorderrhein

Rafting in the Surselva – that means rafting on the Vorderrhein. Our rafting tours offer a unique perspective on the river: sparkling, fun, sociable – and in any case an impressive nature experience. Since the great rockfall at the end of the last ice age around 10,000 years ago, the river has been eating its way down again, creating the fascinating Rhine Gorge, also known as Ruinaulta. The area has been included in the Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments of National Importance.

We have various tours to choose from. The following applies to all tours:

  • We don’t do things by halves: we always do the whole route from Ilanz to Reichenau (except on request for groups).
  • The minimum age is 10 years on the day of the tour.


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